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Ph.D. in Education - Community College Leadership

Offered By: Walden University

Leadership opportunities within community colleges are about to open up at an extraordinary rate, as presidents and senior administrators retire over the next six years. As community colleges face this potential leadership crisis, their search committees will be looking for candidates with doctorates in Community College Leadership. Walden's specialization in Community College Leadership offered through The Richard W. Riley College of Education and Leadership is designed to meet the needs of working professionals by combining customized learning experiences with a foundation in social and behavioral sciences. It uses a cohort model, organizing program components for groups of community college administrators and faculty members. Through an online and research-based curriculum, this specialization focuses on the following topics as they relate specifically to the community college: how adults learn most effectively; tools and strategies to promote learning; effective development, organization and leadership; integration of theoretical knowledge; using inquiry strategies aimed at assessing the need for change; and how educational systems and policies can create focused learning opportunities.

The Ph.D. in Education online degree program produces leaders who can address the nation's most pressing educational challenges. Each online degree specialization is designed to meet both your professional interests and the needs of your school district, college or university. This graduate degree is ideal if you are already a teacher, and your career goals include becoming a superintendent, faculty member at a university or community college, teacher or administrator.