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Ph.D. in Education - Special Education

Offered By: Walden University

Most K-12 educators are strong advocates for improved services for exceptional/disabled individuals. Unfortunately, resources for the delivery of these services are often far less than schools and school districts desire. At Walden, you will acquire the knowledge and skills necessary to provide leadership in the special education field and to better assist your own students in the self-actualization process through The Richard W. Riley College of Education and Leadership. Emphasis is on services to exceptional/disabled individuals and to the related areas of special education administration including law, finance and ethics. Graduates hold leadership, administrative and teaching positions in schools and school districts and research and teaching positions at colleges and universities throughout the United States.

The Ph.D. in Education online degree program produces leaders who can address the nation's most pressing educational challenges. Each online degree specialization is designed to meet both your professional interests and the needs of your school district, college or university. This graduate degree is ideal if you are already a teacher, and your career goals include becoming a superintendent, faculty member at a university or community college, teacher or administrator.