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Ph.D. in Human Services - Social Policy Analysis and Planning (Self-Directed)

Offered By: Walden University

The Social Policy Analysis and Planning specialization emphasizes the principles of social welfare and the use, development, and protection of human and societal resources within a community-oriented framework. Graduates in this field seek the best use of human, material, and economic resources to lead communities to more effectively organize their health and human service delivery systems. While covering an array of practice environments (urban, rural, community, regional and national), the international focus on sustainable development is an integral part of this specialization.

Human services professionals are on the front lines in serving and caring for those who are most vulnerable and in need. Walden's Ph.D. in Human Services degree program is designed to help professionals in a broad range of settings - including social services agencies, healthcare agencies, treatment facilities, and more - develop their leadership and management skills to better support their communities.

Choose from two formats that best fit your learning style:

  • A course-based program of study that may allow you to complete your degree in less than 3 years.*
  • A self-directed option that allows you to conduct research independently while working closely with a faculty mentor on an area of interest about which you are passionate.

* Time to completion may vary by student, depending on individual progress and credits transferred.