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Ph.D. in Public Policy and Administration - Nonprofit Management and Leadership (Mixed-Model)

Offered By: Walden University

The Ph.D. in Public Policy and Administration prepares you to meet the challenges of social governance and effective service delivery as government and nonprofit institutions become increasingly intertwined. To have robust communities, leaders must have the vision to create plans, develop policies and manage resources within and at the boundaries between economic sectors. As a result, we need leaders in public service whose practice is grounded in scientific inquiry and scholarship, and who are prepared not only to improve our democratic institutions, but also to add to our understanding of those institutions. Walden's doctoral study is grounded in scientific inquiry and scholarship that builds upon your existing experience. The Ph.D. in Public Policy and Administration program further educates you on critical public policy issues and the latest best practices training to promote social change through effective, forward-thinking management. Walden's distanced delivered format via the Internet is flexible, tailored for busy public professionals like you who do not want to interrupt an important civic position and professional goals. This specialization investigates these issues and prepares you to become knowledgeable social change agents through scholarly inquiry, applied research and effective participation in these institutions.

The mixed-model option is a more flexible program of study that includes online courses and Walden's signature Knowledge Area Modules (KAMs). Study independently and work closely with a faculty mentor to apply your research to an area in which you are passionate.