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Online Master of Health Administration

Offered By: Ohio University

Ohio University's online Master of Health Administration (MHA) degree program prepares professionals for leadership positions in contemporary health organizations and systems in the U.S. Graduates are highly valued for their ability to solve complex problems and meet organizational goals by combining their knowledge of the evolving health environment with their experience.

The program is delivered online and students appreciate the convenience and flexibility of completing this program from their home or office, while continuing to build their careers. The Ohio University online MHA program is oriented to experienced, mid-career, health professionals who bring a wealth of practical experience to their studies. Students report that they are able to apply what they learn immediately to their jobs. This helps distinguish them from their peers and often accelerates their career advancement.

Course highlights include issues of leadership, finance, health system structures and managed care, ethics and law, maximizing human resources, information and systems use, health policy, and strategic planning and marketing.