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Master of Education - Special Education

Offered By: University of Cincinnati

The University of Cincinnati Master of Education in Special Education program is designed to enhance and better the lives of all individuals with special needs through education, community awareness and ecologically based service delivery. The program complements the dedication of these educators to meeting the individual needs of students. The Online Master of Education in Special Education aids teachers in understanding student's behavioral, social and academic development, while helping them develop emotionally and interact effectively in social situations. Special education teachers are a unique leaders who take pride in organization, patience and the ability to motivate students while understanding individualism and accepting differences.

The University of Cincinnati's Master of Education in Special Education online program connects educators who are committed to improving the educational outcomes of students with disabilities, to a dynamic community of dedicated professors, accessible research and a devoted student support team. The University has gained a notable reputation for its outstanding faculty, research, novel curriculum, program accreditations and competitive tuition and is regionally and NCATE accredited. Students can choose from four convenient start dates, receive relevant and comprehensive cohort-based curriculum, graduate in as little as two years with 45 quarter credit hours all while never stepping foot on a campus. Additionally, students who seek licensure in special education have the option of enrolling in additional credits that will set them on a path that leads to earning that additional accolade.