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Ph.D. in Education - Leadership, Policy and Change (Course-Based)

Offered By: Walden University

To advance change in the field of education, leaders must be able to both create and implement education policy. The Leadership, Policy, and Change specialization within Walden's Ph.D. in Education program, offered in a course-based format, is designed for school, district, and other educational leaders from preschool through higher education who want to continue to lead change and influence policy at the local, national, and institutional levels.

The Ph.D. in Education online degree program produces leaders who can address the nation's most pressing educational challenges. Each online degree specialization is designed to meet both your professional interests and the needs of your school district, college or university. This graduate degree is ideal if you are already a teacher, and your career goals include becoming a superintendent, faculty member at a university or community college, teacher or administrator.